5 ways to keep your employees engaged

September 16, 2023
min read

To have a successful business, it's not enough to only invest in customer satisfaction, but also in your employees' satisfaction. It's through their work that all growth occurs, showing here the importance of keeping your employees engaged.

Once you have this engagement, employees feel more comfortable presenting new ideas for improvements, and their performance also increases.

That's why today we've prepared a list of 5 ways to keep your employees engaged. Continue with us in this reading!

#1 Inspiring leadership

Good leadership is the foundation for keeping employees engaged and stimulated in their professional daily lives. Therefore, investing in competent and proactive leaders reflects on your team's behavior. Thus, it's necessary for the leader to know how to listen to their team, as well as how to give feedback and manage conflicts.

Read more about: Leadership Development with Business Games

#2 Continuous feedback

Feedback is extremely necessary for employee performance, both positive and negative. However, tact and care are necessary with the latter to avoid creating the opposite perception, such as a complaint or criticism. Instead, it should be a form of alert so that the employee doesn't feel embarrassed.

In this way, continuous feedback is also a way to recognize and congratulate employees for their actions. It's precisely through these positive values that engagement is leveraged.

#3 Recognition and rewards

Indeed, there's nothing as gratifying as due recognition for your efforts and work. Therefore, like feedback, recognizing employees' achievements, congratulating and/or rewarding them, makes them more engaged in carrying out new activities. The same occurs with the rest of the team, who will feel inspired to give their best.

#4 People-oriented culture

A company is, above all, composed of people. Therefore, investing in a people-oriented culture becomes more than necessary. To have an engaged employee, it's necessary to show the need to know how to balance professional and personal life.

Moreover, show how the company is open and receptive to receiving suggestions and new ideas aimed at its improvement. In general, it's through this culture that a more comfortable and inviting environment is created for employees.

#5 Professional growth opportunity

The last, but not least important way to keep employees engaged is by creating a career plan for them within the company. Thus, providing growth opportunities, such as investing in corporate training, retains talent in the company.

It's through these trainings that it's possible to verify that the corporation has appreciation for its employees and wants them to become more specialized. An excellent way to achieve this specialization is through gamified training, using business simulators.

Transforming the learning moment, gamification uses elements from games to make corporate training immersive and dynamic. Thus, instead of having the employee spend hours listening to lectures, here it's possible for them to have practical contact with the main objective of this training.

Moreover, this more practical contact creates a better understanding of the content, while also strengthening ties with employees from other sectors. Thus, creating an opportunity for noise-free communication and giving opportunities for the development of new, more assertive strategies by having two different views on the same objective.

As a result, the employee feels stimulated to continue, seeing themselves in the company in the future.

OGG Simulation

As you could see, keeping your employees engaged is one of the main steps to be taken to build a successful company. And to help you with this, count on OGG Simulation.

We are pioneers when it comes to developing 100% digital gamified business training. We use simulators to represent the daily life and production chain of a company, inserting participants into the training in an immersive and dynamic way.

Moreover, by blending theoretical and practical content, we manage to achieve a high rate of understanding and retention of the content that was presented.

Interested? Visit our website or talk to one of our specialists and learn more about our simulators for business training.

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