Corporate Training - why use the hybrid modality?

September 19, 2022
min read

With the updating of technologies and the optimization and automation of daily life, corporate training has also undergone changes. The Hybrid Mode, in addition to overcoming the pandemic period, has revolutionized the work journey.

In this sense, besides the flexibility of working hours, which can be in-person or home office, corporate training also starts to follow this path. A positive innovation that helps employees and companies.

Want to know more? Stay with us in this reading!

What is Hybrid Mode?

The hybrid mode is much more than a method that combines in-person and digital modalities. Moreover, it blends theoretical content together with practice, thus obtaining a higher rate of engagement and content retention. These are aligned methodologies to improve teaching and skill development.

Also known as blended learning, it generates more results, achieving objectives more quickly.

With constant use in educational institutions, such as schools and colleges, the hybrid mode has been constantly adopted by companies. In this way, corporate training occurs dynamically and quickly through games, lectures, debates, simulations, among other methods.

Read more at: Hybrid Learning – a worldwide reality

How does it help in corporate training?

When we talk about corporate training, it's necessary to keep in mind that many times they are dense subjects focused on a segment. Thus, if dealing with an exclusively theoretical practice, this moment becomes exhausting. Moreover, it's necessary to keep in mind that each person has a way of grasping the content. As a result, through practice combined with theory, it's possible to reach a larger number of individuals.

Still, there are several benefits coming from hybrid training, such as:


With the use of technologies, collective training becomes more dynamic, making employees more engaged. Furthermore, this participation remains present after completion, as individuals feel more confident in proposing ideas and innovations to the company.


By offering the hybrid mode, corporate training is not hostage to the in-person meeting of participants. Thus, it is guaranteed that participants have unlimited access to the content that was presented online.

In this sense, it's enough for the employee to have internet access. As a result, it's possible for the training to occur at the person's own pace, autonomously. With a more flexible learning process, and respecting their own rhythm, the training has higher success rates.

Cost Reduction

As content can be passed in both formats, choosing to pass them online saves the company resources. As a result, investments that would be used for the auditorium location and the displacement of participants are now used in new training methods for the team.

Professional Valorization

Investing in training, especially hybrid ones, is valuing the professional within your company. Since, in addition to providing new solutions for daily life, making tasks optimized, learning is also a way to put into practice a career plan.

Know the gamification solutions from OGG Simulation

OGG is a pioneer in providing a platform with 100% online simulators in Brazil. Here, we have the best gamification solutions for onboarding and corporate training for companies in the logistics sector.

To learn more about OGG games and simulators or other solutions for gamification in logistics, visit our website and find out more!

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