Business games: 5 reasons for undergraduate use

July 10, 2024
min read

Currently, with the advancement of technologies, there is a great need for university professors to engage their students. Thus, more and more educational institutions across the country are investing in business games and simulators as learning tools.

In short, these activities can be applied in Business Schools, Accounting Sciences, Business Management, and Logistics courses, for example. However, with some adaptations, it is possible to use them in any course in the humanities and exact sciences, especially if it involves business management.

See below the reasons to use business games in your class!

1) Student autonomy

The gamification of business games makes the student the center of their teaching approach. With activities that use gamification strategies, it is possible to unite theoretical concepts with practice in the classroom. In this way, a student can interpret the theory of contents practically, making his own decisions critically during the task.

2) Learn from mistakes

The job market does not admit mistakes and failures. In particular, when we need to manage the functioning of a company, a negative result can mean a significant loss. In this way, with business games and simulators, the student can perceive the repercussions of decision-making and learn to deal with them.

3) Understanding how an organization works

Another exciting benefit of the business games approach is the integration of sectors. A good manager must understand the functioning of a supply chain. After all, this is what makes an organization. In this way, the student learns the importance of communication between different segments.

4) Constant feedback

Within a traditionalist approach, a student is evaluated with assignments and tests. But this alone is not enough for him to have enough input to evaluate his decisions and analyze his performance. With business games, it is possible to experience these processes.

5) Innovative and dynamic learning

Adding business games to classes makes the traditionally theoretical and dense content much lighter and more motivating. That’s because gamification elements bring video games incentives, such as challenges, scores, and ranking. Thus, the student is more engaged in participating and can record the content more easily.

Do you know more about OGG business games?

Our solutions include strategic management features. In addition, we promote employee socialization with Onboarding and process and organizational culture updates for companies.

To learn more about OGG Business Games or other solutions for classroom gamification, visit our website and learn more!

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