Flipped Classroom - concept and how to apply this strategy?

The search for innovation in teaching is urgent. This is because it is increasingly difficult to provide efficient learning while maintaining traditionalist teaching methods. Therefore, strategies such as the flipped classroom can redefine teaching, bringing very positive results for future professionals.
Currently, we have access to incredible technology in the market, which allows us to implement these changes and facilitate the teacher's work. With this in mind, we have prepared the following article. We will present the flipped classroom method and how it can make teaching any subject more dynamic and efficient. Stay with us and enjoy reading!
Get to know the flipped classroom
In short, this concept originated in the USA, named Flipped Classroom in English. It is a teaching method that allows classes to become more dynamic, with active learning, and can be applied from basic to higher education in any area.
Unlike traditionalist education, where the teacher holds all the knowledge and the student only "absorbs" it, with the flipped classroom, the student becomes the protagonist of the learning process. This way, the student can have more autonomy and, consequently, greater interest in seeking knowledge, being at the center of learning.
Often, in lesson preparation, the educator needs to compile materials and references, studying a variety of topics in depth and aggregating information. Then, during the class, they present this compilation of content to their class.
With the flipped classroom, the goal is for the student to do their own research. They are responsible for taking the first steps to ensure their own knowledge, building a foundation. After this moment, the teacher provides support and fosters learning, deepening questions and proposing debates.
Embora seja uma metodologia que proporciona autonomia ao aluno, ela não elimina a necessidade de um professor/instrutor. Pelo contrário, essa prática existe para que o aluno não fique dependente de uma única fonte de conhecimento, além de otimizar o tempo de trabalho do educador.
Por que usar essa metodologia?
Metodologias ativas de ensino, como a sala de aula invertida, podem trazer muitos benefícios. Não apenas para os alunos, mas para educadores e instituições educacionais de qualquer nível ou curso. Isso porque agrega valor ao currículo, focando na inovação e redefinindo o processo de aprendizagem.
When combined with technologies, such as gamification, this process becomes even more functional. As the center of learning is the student, we come to understand them not as a receiver of knowledge, but as an agent. In other words, autonomy is a positive factor. In addition, games applied to the flipped classroom methodology stimulate constructive interaction among students, developing teamwork techniques.
Unlike traditionalist approaches, this methodology is extremely flexible, allowing the student to build their own learning pace. With this, teachers can more easily analyze their pupils' performance. Consequently, students feel more engaged in participating in activities, especially if combined with gamification elements.
OGG Technology for Flipped Classroom
Now that you know one of the most innovative active teaching methods in the educational universe, it's time to implement it in your classes, right? Luckily, we have access to an infinity of technological resources that allow us to add value to classrooms in any school or university.
After all, whether in-person or in distance learning, strategies that use educational games and simulators make it possible to bring modernity and dynamism to teaching. With gamification, combined with the flipped classroom, the student will have the chance to experience complete learning, uniting theory with practice.
Para proporcionar isso aos seus alunos, conheça as soluções de gamificação da OGG. Somos pioneiros no desenvolvimento de jogos e simulações educacionais, com uma plataforma 100% virtual no Brasil. Nossas soluções contemplam aspectos decisivos da administração estratégica em qualquer simulador. Além disso, promovemos a interação dos alunos, com elementos motivadores, dinamismo e inovação.
To learn more about OGG's gamification solutions for the classroom, visit nosso site and check it out!
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