Gamificação do Onboarding: 3 passos para implementar!

March 29, 2023
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With the aim of providing an unforgettable and immersive experience, companies are increasingly adopting gamified activities. When combined with a well-structured onboarding process, gamification in recruitment can bring profound insights about the candidate.

Furthermore, gamification presents to the future employee what their routine activities will be and provides an analysis of their behavioral and technical skills. Thus, contributing to the understanding for employees to work on their strengths and weaknesses.

Continue reading and learn more about the application of gamification in onboarding, its benefits, and how to implement it in your organization.

What is Onboarding and how can gamification contribute to its application

The word Onboarding can be translated as "embarking" and in this case, it refers to the process of integrating new employees. Thus, this is the employee's first contact with the company, and gamification allows onboarding to provide a unique and interactive experience.

At this moment, the future employee learns about the culture and values of the organization. As a result, they receive information about the business and leave the integration more prepared and confident with their choice.

In summary, onboarding refers to the integration and adaptation of new employees. Gamification, on the other hand, contributes to instructing the employee about the company's culture, routine, and processes. As a result, all of this forms a fun dynamic.

Benefits of Gamified Onboarding

In addition to retaining new talent, gamified onboarding combats turnover and optimizes human capital, bringing various positive results for the business.

As a consequence of the benefits mentioned above, there is an increase in productivity and service quality, resulting from a better-trained team.

During gamified activities, it is possible to simulate the most different situations that are part of the professionals' routine. Gamified onboarding helps professionals deepen their knowledge of their position and minimize possible failures in the process.

Last but not least, it is worth noting that a well-structured gamified onboarding, aligned with well-qualified human capital, results in an increasingly fortified organizational culture.

How to implement Gamified Onboarding in your organization

We have separated some brief tips that will help you implement gamified onboarding in your company.

If you become curious or have any questions, contact one of our specialists.

Talk to your employees and introduce gamification

Gamification is a recent tool for both professionals and organizations. Explaining what it is, clarifying how it works in practice, and presenting rewards to participants can transform the experience into something unforgettable from the start.

Define what your company's goals are

For gamified onboarding to achieve maximum efficiency, it is essential to think about the details. Start by developing a successful integration, plan the onboarding by determining which strategies should be adopted for your organization to ensure the expected results.

Be careful when designing and implementing gamified onboarding in your company

After completing the two previous steps, it's time to determine what the rules and motivators of gamification are. If your goals are well-defined, it will be easier to create a successful gamified onboarding.

In addition to these 3 tips, it is essential that you know the talents of your company, making the process of developing employee training simpler.

Finally, one of the most important parts is monitoring and analyzing the results. Thus, this analysis determines the success of your company's onboarding.

Through monitoring and analysis of metrics, it is possible to determine the results achieved with the strategies adopted in the integration of employees.

Now that you know more about gamified onboarding and understand its process more clearly, count on OGG to assist you in implementing gamification in your company.

We are pioneers in developing business games on 100% web platforms and have a team of specialists ready to serve you.

Get in touch and request a quote!