A importância do feedback contínuo

October 28, 2023
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Regardless of position or function, understanding how your performance is throughout the daily routine of a corporation is of paramount importance. Therefore, investing in continuous feedback in your company becomes an excellent growth strategy.

After all, everyone who makes up the professional body needs to be analyzed, aiming to improve their performance. As a result, professional growth also occurs here, engaging professionals more, as they feel valued and recognized.

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However, when providing feedback, care is needed not to turn this moment into something critical. Since continuous feedback is a way of encouraging and finding corrections and changes in certain stages of the process.

Thus, today we brought an article to discuss, precisely, the importance of continuous feedback. Stay with us in this reading and learn more!

Main Objective of Continuous Feedback

An English term, feed means to nourish, and back means return. Thus, as the name itself says, the main objective to be achieved with feedback is to return the information that has already been passed.

Thus, an exchange of ideas and data occurs about processes that have already happened, with the aim of optimizing and maximizing actions through efficient internal communication.

In general, continuous feedback is a powerful people management tool in the corporate environment. Thus, providing analyses on the individual performance of each employee and the teams as a whole, pointing out which points should be improved and corrected. As a result, always aiming for continuous improvement, since, when finding errors and problems, their solution is also attempted.

A importância do feedback contínuo

As we mentioned earlier, feedback is conversations that promote exchanges of information about the professional performance of each employee and the stages of the process. Thus, in addition to being used as a tool for identifying and correcting errors, continuous feedback is a great method for recognition and congratulations for services performed.

Therefore, employees feel more engaged and motivated in carrying out their tasks.

Furthermore, as we mentioned earlier, it is through feedback that it is possible to verify and identify the weak points of a process. Thus, carrying out work together for improvement and updating, until this task starts to occur efficiently.

Another point that is also worked on thanks to continuous feedback is seen in the need to provide corporate training for the professional body. This is a point seen by leadership as a result of information given by those being led.

Read more about: Learn about the main types of corporate training (link to blog)

Thus, it is through feedback that it will be possible to establish corporate training with the aim of optimizing and automating the daily functions of employees.

As occurs in gamified training that, by providing business simulators, manages to unite teams composed of members from different sectors to carry out activities together. In addition to providing more dynamic training with a high rate of content retention, it enables the creation of direct and objective communication between sectors that possibly had no contact.

Read more about: Training teams with Business Games!

As a result, in addition to employing benefits for those who are already in the company, feedback also provides faster onboarding and integration of new employees. Thus, providing greater confidence in this new beginning, already preparing the new employee to perform their activities accurately.

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