Onboarding gamificado - Compreendendo este conceito

April 1, 2022
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The concept of onboarding comes from English and literally means "to embark" or "to be on board". In this sense, we have incorporated the term into the corporate world, as the moment of integrating new employees to provide organizational socialization. Therefore, it is interesting to make this moment dynamic, welcoming, diverse, and promote motivation. And this is done with gamified onboarding!

In short, gamified onboarding can be an excellent way to attract and retain new talent in an organization. This is because, with this tool, right at the beginning of the employee's journey in the company, they realize how human capital is valued in this institution.

Thus, it is possible to reduce employee turnover, optimizing the resources of your teams. And this brings many positive results for the company as a whole. With this in mind, let's talk a little more about gamification solutions for a company's onboarding in today's article. Stay with us and check it out!

Understanding gamified onboarding

Now that we've understood a bit about the importance of presentation and introduction training for new employees, let's talk about gamified onboarding. In short, this is the moment of integrating new employees with the team and the organization's routines.

Thus, at this moment, it is essential to have a good engagement factor. And this is possible with gamification. By using game elements in your onboarding, this mechanic becomes a motivating factor for new hires to participate in activities.

Moreover, with gamified onboarding, the recruitment and training team can fully develop these professionals, already aligning their knowledge with the existing team. And this is very positive for an organization, as it provides an advantage over the competition.

But how does this actually happen? Let's recall what gamification is.

In summary, we call gamification the action of retrieving concepts, mechanisms, tools, mechanics, and/or other characteristics of electronic games and using them in activities with objectives that go beyond entertainment.

For example, in a traditional introductory training, we would have a slide presentation with a compilation of important and dense content. In gamified onboarding, we have the chance to show the new talent what the work routine is like in an accessible, dynamic, and intuitive way.

Elements of gamification in onboarding

So far, we've been able to understand the importance of conducting assertive onboarding in a company, right?! Now, let's analyze the game elements that can be inserted into gamified onboarding.

First, we have learning tracks, which are essentially sequential activities carried out within a training to retain specific knowledge. This refers to the phases that exist in electronic games, where it's necessary to overcome each one to continue with the story.

In fact, another element of games is the existence of a plot, which determines missions and rewards with achievements. And this is one of the main advantages of investing in training with gamification solutions: provoking engagement, motivation, and curiosity.

Moreover, gamified onboarding is, like games, a great healthy competition. Therefore, there is the possibility of being in a ranking and collecting prizes or scores. This stimulates participation in the activity, healthy competitiveness, and teamwork, depending on the proposed activity.

Another characteristic element of games is the opportunity to receive instant and recurrent feedback throughout the training. This is because, as we said, the existence of stages requires the participant to make correct choices to advance in the activity. When making a decision, they must, consequently, deal with the repercussion of that choice. And this is fundamental for the employee to develop autonomy and self-criticism.

Finally, gamified onboarding can be a stimulus for learning, providing a safe moment and environment to discover new knowledge and get closer to the routine in the new company.

Get to know OGG's Corporate Simulators for gamified Onboarding

Here at OGG, we assist your company in training and qualifying talents through business simulation games. We offer active and differentiated methodologies, in a totally engaging and active way, focusing on your newly hired employee.

To learn more about OGG Virtual Simulators or other solutions for gamification in training, visit our website and find out more!

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