Simulateur de coopération - Découvrez la solution d'OGG !

June 4, 2022
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Have you ever used a Cooperative Simulator? Would you like to know more information about what it is and how this tool works? Then, today's article is entirely dedicated to you, reader, who wants to understand a little more about this teaching strategy!

Before explaining the differentials of our solution, we need to understand the concept of a virtual simulator and what it's used for. With this in mind, we decided to add to our text a brief content that will facilitate your understanding. Stay with us in this reading and check it out!

Understanding virtual simulators

First of all, let's exercise our imagination for a minute. So, stop everything you're doing and create a brief image in your mind. Imagine that you are a manager, administrator, leader, or even the owner of a company, in any segment. And, in this organization, your teams are poorly aligned, without much perspective.

Despite your efforts to provoke motivation, trying to engage your team, your attempts are not successful. Then, you decide to observe, in a more analytical way, the origin of this problem. You:

  • Seek to understand your employees;
  • Discover some unwanted behaviors;
  • Verify certain communication failures;
  • Notice that there are positive situations that could work better.

After that, you decide that a good solution for these small problematic situations is to intensify corporate training. But, in the first lecture, you already notice that your audience shows no interest, some even seem less motivated than before. What to do then?

The answer is simple: innovation. In short, there is a range of technology available in the current market that allows you to reframe your training, combining theory and practice, in a dynamic, modern, and efficient way, without risking the future of your company. And this is done through simulators.

These activities are designed to offer participants an experience similar to the reality of a process, situation, enterprise, or even cooperative, in a totally safe manner. This happens through 3D software, which allows the user to immerse themselves in a fictitious dynamic activity that mimics the reality of a corporate routine.

With this, it is possible to develop specific skills and abilities and cause effective behavior changes. A simulator is a digital "copy" of the reality of an organization or part of a real operation. This means that it brings a learning opportunity that reflects the day-to-day of this situation, but allows the participant to learn new techniques, actions, etc., safely, without losses.

Learn more: How to create training with simulation games?

Cooperative Simulator - OGG COOP

Finally, let's understand how OGG's cooperative simulator works! With this tool, it is possible to simulate the management of a cooperative, where its "members", that is, the participants, have total influence on decisions.

In this way, it is possible to develop various strategies and observe the consequences of these decision-making processes. For example, when choosing between receiving returns in the short or long term, the employee will face some challenges that require the development of their management skills.

Moreover, when managing a cooperative in the agro-industrial segment, the complexity of this mission becomes even greater. This is because, in addition to maintaining the balance between the interests of its members, the participant will need to act in accordance with the legislation that oversees the cooperative.

In this sense, it is possible to visualize the difference between receiving this content in a totally explanatory way, without dynamism, without interaction, as happens with traditional slide presentations. On the other hand, the cooperative simulator brings innovation in the form of gamification elements, allowing for gameplay.

To check the differentials of the OGG Cooperative Simulator, click here. And, take the opportunity to schedule a guided test with one of our specialists! We will be happy with your contact!

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