La gamification dans la logistique : comment réduire les coûts ?

April 26, 2021
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Gamification in logistics can bring many advantages to a company in this sector. This is because it is possible to provide greater team engagement, with innovative and efficient training strategies. Furthermore, it is essential to optimize operations and improve results.

This activity consists of using elements from the universe of electronic games, such as scoring systems, creating rankings or scoreboards, phases that require certain actions to pass, etc. With the aim of providing participants with a practical experience to test their knowledge, increasing the chances of learning and performance.

See below some benefits of business games in the transportation and logistics area and how to use them in a practical way. Happy reading!

Advantages of gamification in logistics

Serious games, or business games, can bring many benefits to a logistics company if applied correctly. Check it out below!

Customized content

First of all, one of the main benefits of gamification in logistics is that the company can choose simulations and games that relate to the needs of its business. In other words, the objective of the game is precisely to align with the training demands.

In this sense, the game brings a simulation of situations that are part of the work routine. And this brings the relevance factor to the employee's training or qualification. After all, it's a situation that allows visualization of reality and how decision-making affects operations. This generates changes and improves the participants' experience.

Modern technology

Currently, many companies feel the need to develop training to update the use of certain tools or even to stimulate some skill or competence.

Thus, the use of gamification in logistics brings modernization to training that was previously systematic and traditionalist. Now, it's simpler to deal with dense theoretical concepts and verify if employees can keep up with these changes.

Develop autonomy

In short, gamification in logistics develops a sense of autonomy in its employees. This is because, to participate in a simulator or business game, the employee will have to make their own choices, as a requirement to advance phases and solve problems.

Thus, this is an activity that allows not only to value your employee's intellect but to verify in which aspects they have difficulty. In other words, games are tools to stimulate creativity and generate opportunities for growth and effective learning. And these solutions positively affect all operations of a company.

Team engagement

With gamification in logistics, it is possible to encourage the engagement of your employees. First, because the activity allows training to be more playful and practical. Second, because it is a way to encourage teamwork for problem-solving.

Third, because extremely dense and important concepts are taught in a more dynamic and specific way. Finally, games provide a sense of reward as the participant progresses through the phases, stimulating participation.

Get to know OGG games and simulators

OGG est un pionnier dans le développement de jeux d'entreprise et de simulateurs, avec une plateforme 100% virtuelle au Brésil. Nos solutions incluent les aspects décisifs de l'administration stratégique dans les simulateurs. En outre, nous favorisons la socialisation des employés grâce à l'intégration et à la mise à jour des processus et de la culture organisationnelle de votre entreprise.

To learn more about OGG games and simulators or other solutions for gamification in logistics, visit our website and find out more!

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