Pourquoi utiliser la gamification pour améliorer votre T&D ?

August 29, 2022
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Often, managers and HR professionals seek alternative solutions to provide innovation in the Training & Development area. This is because it is essential to invest in knowledge to attract and retain talent in any sector. In this sense, solutions like gamification can be very useful.

In short, gamification is a technological tool that uses game elements to build activities with an educational function. And this type of tool is already gaining space in various market sectors, not only in the field of Education but in corporate environments as well.

With this in mind, we prepared today's article to demonstrate the relationship between gamification and talent T&D, its importance, and benefits. Check it out below, and enjoy reading!

Understanding gamification

According to the Game Brazil Survey, conducted in 2022, 3 out of 4 Brazilians play some type of game. Despite the recent survey, we know that electronic games, board games, and competitions for entertainment purposes are part of the culture and reality of many people.

Thus, it is not difficult to relate the growth in the use of gamification solutions with an educational objective. For years, this type of tool has been gaining space in schools, academies, and now in large corporations, during training moments, transforming them into moments of interaction and motivating employees dynamically.

However, despite having game elements in its essence, gamification is not, in itself, a game. This is because, despite applying mechanics and constituents of games in its activities, the objective is not pure and simple entertainment. In other words, we use these elements as a way to attract attention and encourage participant motivation.

Read more: What are the elements of gamification?

Thus, gamified solutions have a specific objective, focused on knowledge. With this type of activity, it is possible to conduct immersive training in an organization's routines, align action plans, promote the integration of newly hired employees, improve specific skills and competencies, among others.

In this way, we can understand that gamification is not just something related to the gaming universe. This mechanism allows us to work on issues related to the real world with a serious, theoretical, and dense character, in a positive, dynamic, and intuitive manner. And this provides gradual and complete development of professionals throughout their journey in the company.

Quels sont les avantages ?

As we saw earlier, gamification is a technology allied to learning. This type of tool allows the T&D team to develop corporate education in various sectors. And this is fundamental, not only to provide the employee with a complete work journey but for this training to be efficient.

Over time, our way of learning undergoes major changes. Different generations have diverse expectations and needs. And this can be a challenge for a company's T&D team. In this way, gamification becomes a powerful integration tool that helps the trainer achieve positive results.

Furthermore, if combined with other teaching strategies, gamification has brilliant results in content retention. This is because one of the greatest elements of games, the reward, becomes a factor of engagement and motivation for the participant.

In addition, games and simulators combine the pleasure of being immersed in the story with curiosity and adventurous instinct in an activity. In this way, we can obtain engaged talents, who become agents of their own knowledge. After all, the more they participate in the activity, the more content they can absorb, generating knowledge and interest in the next steps.

If you want to reframe the T&D of your organization, visit our website and learn about OGG gamification solutions!

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