Gamification Onboarding : quels sont ses avantages ? Découvrez-le !

November 22, 2022
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Integrating new employees with the company's team and routine is of paramount importance. And for this, Gamification Onboarding emerges to make this process more efficient, presenting about your business, as well as its culture and values.

The term "onboarding" emphasizes the situation of new recruits. Therefore, the need for integration, since it is responsible for making the new employee more engaged.

Read more about: Gamified Onboarding – understand this concept

Furthermore, it is through training that blends theory with practice, along with the delivery of equipment that results in a more confident start. As the employee already finds themselves and feels more prepared to start their activities. So, today we've separated a list of the main benefits of Gamification Onboarding. Stay with us in this reading and learn more!

01# Retention of new talent

The onboarding game strategy makes employees more active and engaged within the company's activities. This way, turnover is reduced, as there is investment for these professionals to stay.

02# Human capital optimization

Gamification Onboarding is responsible for providing initial training, as well as aligning all expectations with the new employee. As a result, employees who know exactly what they should perform and what results to obtain start to execute their tasks with high performance.

In this sense, investing in Gamification Onboarding brings benefits to both the company and the employee. Since, as mentioned earlier, the training occurs in a practical format, helping to understand more about internal situations and what measures should be taken. It also ensures instant feedback, making them start their journey with more confidence and already understanding better about the company's functions.

03# New knowledge and its greater retention

A great benefit arising from Gamification Onboarding is in the new knowledge acquired and its better retention. Currently, the world is modernizing more and more each day, and this has a direct impact on the company's activities. Thus, this methodology not only helps with new employees but also updates the professional knowledge of those who have been with the company longer.

04# Error reduction

With the training carried out by Gamification Onboarding, error rates are small right from the start. Since, as the theoretical and practical criteria are united, familiarity and understanding of the main functions performed in the company occur easily and quickly.

05# Organizational culture

By learning about a company's internal processes, the employee creates a professional connection. However, it is very important that this occurs right at their entry. As a result, the new employee becomes more active and engaged with the company's activities.

Moreover, it is through this alignment of culture that conflicts are avoided and better managed, thus maintaining the well-being of the entire team.

Simulation OGG

OGG is a pioneer when it comes to gamified corporate training in Brazil. With simulators, it is possible to provide 100% digital learning while ensuring real-time feedback for participants.

Visit our website and learn more about OGG solutions for Gamification Onboarding. And if you liked this content, visit our blog for more.