Gamification and the Movie A Beautiful Mind and their Relationship!

December 13, 2022
min read

Decades ago, it would have been impossible to think of unifying the concept of learning with that of games. However, thanks to the studies of the brilliant mathematician John Nash, we now see how these two concepts go hand in hand. As a result, the term gamification emerged in the early 2000s, revolutionizing learning.

Today, we're going to talk a little about Nash's relationship with gamification and recommend a great movie. Winner of 4 Oscars in 2001, A Beautiful Mind tells the story of the man who introduced us to the solution of learning through games. Stay with us in this reading to learn more!

A Beautiful Mind

John Nash (1928 – 2015) was a brilliant American mathematician, winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics in 1994. He won this prize through his discoveries that laid the foundation for Game Theory. Although the film is not entirely faithful to his biography, it introduces us a little to this figure who was so important for the development of gamification.

In simplified terms, the theory created by Nash describes a mathematical model within a game. Thus, with 2 or more players, there are two possibilities for victory, but both generate consequences after the end of the game. The first being where a single player gains a great advantage over the others, and the second victory is based on cooperation between all participants – teamwork.

Cooperation and Gamification

The theory developed by Nash relates to professional life within a social circle. There are two weights and two measures, positive and negative results that can occur in a single-round game. Which is exactly what happens in real life.

This is where we find Nash Equilibrium. Where, through collaborative interpersonal relationships, it is possible to obtain great results. Unlike an action aimed at unilateral strategy and the use of one's own tools. As a result, the best decision to be made is one that benefits the entire group.

In general, it's the creation of healthy competitiveness, since the results are obtained through the mutual choice of all participants.

Showing that the best way to benefit oneself is by benefiting the whole group.

The movie is available online and on streaming platforms like Amazon Prime.

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